Classic Impressions

Physical Model from Impression
After over 37 years in operation, we are absolutely proud of our high quality plaster work.  We have tried dozens of types of die stone over the years, and are constantly checking to make sure it always meets our quality standards.  We utilize experience gained over the course of over a hundred-thousand dies trimmed to ensure correct margins even on the most difficult cases.  Our articulations are quality controlled by multiple people through each phase of production to establish proper occlusal clearance for each of our restorations.  We also pour each impression a second time to produce a solid model, which helps us to to achieve our highly accurate interproximal contacts to create restorations that generally seat with little or no adjustment. While we can't guarantee perfection on every case, we can guarantee that we will always do all that we can to produce restorations that seat easily and minimize chair time.

In addition to our excellent plaster models for our restorations, we also have the ability to offer an equivalent product, model-free!  Click the button below if interested in learning more about model-less restorations that we offer at a reduced price to cut down on your lab costs!
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